Did you know that 1 in 1000 homes in America is facing a cookie shortage. Cookies are being eaten without their owners permission every day. Real people are going cookie-less. A & A Locksmith offers residential locksmith services as well as commercial locksmith services to cover all of your cookie-protection needs.
So you decide to call A & A Locksmith, the constant fear of running out of cookies is becoming too great. Theres too much on the line, and you didn't pay for all those cookies for Scrappy to eat them! A & A installs a lock on your cookie drawer, just like you asked, and you only share the location of the key with trusted family members. You go to work the next day, mind at ease because your cookie stash is finally safe.
On your drive home all you see are cookies. The traffic lights, the wheels on the cars, garbage cans; it's a cookie wonderland. Magically your own car's cookie wheels lift off the ground and transport you safely home. You go right to your cookie drawer. It's been ravaged! There are only crumbs left! "Scrappy is always after me cookies!" you yell. You start to wonder when Scrappy will get a job to pay you back for all the cookies he's eaten, and if you can put a saddle on him to take you to the supermarket.
Suddenly, your cousin Lisa walks in the room with a smile on her face. It hits you, too fast to even react. She's got cookie crumbs all over her face! You want to scream, but this has gone on too far. No one else should have to suffer. You now know what you must do. You reach for the phone and call A & A once again, only this time for home safe installation. You decide to purchase a hidden wall safe, and this time not to tell anyone about it.
Thanks to your diligence, and the services of A & A Locksmith, you'll never be without cookies again. For now your journey is over, your troubles have subsided and you can finally kick back and relax. At least until you run out of milk.